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Karen Loucks Rinedollar » shooting


It is said that losing a child is a parent’s biggest nightmare. The healing process is a life long experience. Ali Bandell has chosen a beautiful way to honor her own daughter’s birthday. She invites you to help her, help others. 

Saturday would have been Zoë’s 20th birthday.  I have been thinking about a way to spend April 12 in a meaningful way and I learned about Project Linus.  This is a local program that makes and collects homemade quilts and blankets that usually go to children at our local hospitals or who have gone through traumatic situations.  Currently, Project Linus is working to collect enough homemade blankets and quilts to give to each students of Arapahoe High School. Earlier this school year there was a shooting at this school and a 17 year old senior was shot and killed.

It takes about an hour to make a 2 sided fleece blanket.  Please let me know if you can join me and some of Zoë’s other friends and family members this weekend working to support those in our community who have experienced feelings that they don’t understand and that we know all too well. Friday night (4-8) and Saturday (1-7) we will make fleece blankets that will be shared with the seniors at Arapahoe HS.

Unfortunately, I know how much these small gestures from our community are so appreciated, healing and become more meaningful in time.  My goal is to make 20 blankets.

Please let me know if you are coming and when so that I can have materials and food here for you.  If there is another time that you do it, let me know as I will not be traveling again until May.

Love to you all


303.435.6645 – call or text

Please join Ali this weekend if you are able. The positive ripple effects will be felt throughout our community for years to come. – Karen Loucks Rinedollar 

Project Linus Answers Denver’s Question – “What Can We Do?”


Community Bands to Support Aurora Shooting Victims, Friends & Families!

Project Linus will be sponsoring a community bonding, Blanket Making Blitz tomorrow (Sunday, July 22) from 1-4pm in Parker and Littleton. This response to Friday’s tragedy is two fold- to provide comfort to those directly traumatized by the shooting and the second is to bring the Denver community together with a unified goal. 
Founder Karen Loucks Rinedollar said, “We learned during the Columbine crisis how vitally important it is to the healing process for people to feel they are making a difference. The lesson that we learned back in 1999 is coming back to assist with this latest round of violence that has the Denver community in a current state of stunned shock.” Project Linus was able to deliver over 1600 blankets to the student of Columbine.
The two locations tomorrow are The Parker Library and 5604 S. Lee Street (near Kipling and Bowles) in Littleton. Participants are asked to bring polar fleece and sharp sewing sheers (paper scissors are too blunt for the fleece). A public Facebook invite has more details at!/events/151969914940068/
The organization was founded in Parker in 1995 to provide handmade security blankets to seriously ill and traumatized children made by the community. Since that time, 370 chapters of Project Linus have formed nationwide and over 4.2 million blankets have been delivered to children in need of comfort worldwide. Now you can be part of the solution.